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Minggu, 01 Februari 2009



SPERMATHOPYTES (Greek, sperma=seed, python=plants) are the group of the plants whose has an organ called seed.
Other names of Spermatophyta:

Anthophytes ( flowering plants)
Phanerogamae ( plants whose its reproduction organs can be seen)
Embriophyta Siphogama ( the fertilitation is done in vessel)

There are 170,000 species of plants categorized into Spermatophytes.

CHARACTERISTICS of spermatophytes:

Have specific organ that is seed;
Include in cormous plants because their body consists of distinguishable parts of root, stem, and leaves;
Have supporting organs : flowers, fruits, and seeds;
Have two ways for reproduction, those are vegetative (asexually) and generative (sexually)


(Greek, gymnos=open or naked, sperma=seed)
This is the group of plants whose seeds are not wrapped or protected by cotyledon.

THE CHARACTERISTICS of gymnospermae:

The root system contains taproots. The boundary between root end and calyptra is no clear.
The stem straight and has branches. In generally it has resin duct.
The root and stem have cambium so they can grow bigger.
The shapes of leaves are varies, they are stiff and contain vascular sheaves.
They don’t have true flowers.
Seed embryo is found in the cotyledon.
The cotyledons and the pollen-producing leaves are separated, each gathering in a cone-shaped body called strobilus.
Strobilus which is composed of cotyledon is called female strobilus, while strobilus which is compossed of pollen called male strobilus.

THE CLASSES of Gymnospermae


This is the primitive seed plant. Its habitat is in tropical and subtropical regions.
This class is divided into 9 genera and 65 species.

The characteristics:
• They appear in the form of a palm
• It leaves are arranged in parallel rosettes
• The male strobilus and female strobilus are found in the end of stem in different trees (dioecious plants)
• New leaves that just grow are rolled so they are like pterydophyte.

One of plants that is include into Gymnospermae: Cycas rhumpii (pakis haji) that can make a symbiosis with blue-alga (Anabaena)


There is only one plant which is included into this class, that is Ginkgo biloba. That plant is come from China.
This class is divided into only one genera.

The characteristics:
• It is a tall plant
• Has short bud
• Dioecious plants
• The leaf has a long stalk, is fan-shaped, and has branched veins.
• In autumn, the leaves fall
• The outer cover of seed is fleshy, while the inner cover is hard
• It has several benefits: the leaf can be used medicine for asthma and to control blood pressure, and the fruit can be used as food supplement to enhance the brain’s performance.


This class is the largest gymospermae, the members include the oldest and the tallest trees in the world.
This class is divided into 4 orders.

The characteristics:
• They appear in the form of bushes, or a three with a conical top
• They are widely spread, especially in areas in moderate and cold climate
• They are usually monoecious. It means that the male strobilus is located at the end of a branch, and the female strobilus is closer to the branch base
• The male strobilus produces pollen containing sperm cells
• Several roles are as follow:
1. As a source of material for making paper.
2. As a source of soft wood.
3. A timber.

The examples of Coniferae: Agathis alba, Pinus merkusii


The plant which is included into this class is wooden plants.

The characteristics:

• Has single leaves facing each others
• Its stem is woody without resin duct
• Its flower is a complex flower in the shape of grain.
• Several roles are:
1. The fruit and young leaf are used as vegetable.
2. It seeds can be used to make a chips.
3. Its skin fiber can be used to make a net.

Gymnospermae has many roles in human life, such as:

1. As material for paper and matches industry (Pinus merkusii and Agathis alba).
2. As substance for medicine (Ginkgo biloba).
3. As food stuff (Gnetum gnemon).
4. As decorative plants (Cycas rumphii).


Angiospermae (Greek, Angeion = bottle, sperma = seed. It comes from its pistil which is like a bottle) is the group of plants whose seed is covered by ovules.

The characteristics:

• Have big development rate. The dimension of the body varies, from tall plants (Eucalyptus can reach 100 m) to short plants (for example grass).
• Already have true flower. The flower is the main organ, through color, smell, and its shape, the flower attract pollinating animals (insects, birds, and rats) as mediator in fertilization.
• The shape and composition of flower vary but has the same basic parts, that is petals, sepals, pistil, and stamen.
• Pistil consists of styles, sigma, and ovary which contains ovules.
• Stamen consists of filaments and anther which contain pollen grains.
• It has thin, wide leaves, and leaf veins with varied compositions.
• Ovule or seed does not appear because it is covered by cotyledons.
• It undergoes double fertilization.
• The time used between pollination and fertilization is relatively short.
• Angiospermae has many use, that is as vegetable, clothing material, cattle food, and drug substances.

Angiospermae undergo double fertilization, but the fertilization is proceed by pollination.


Pollination is the event of sticking (falling) pollen grain to stigma.


Fertilization is the process of fusion of spermatozoid cell with egg cell (ovum) which produces zygote. Fertilization in angiospermae is called double fertilization.

The process is as follow:

When pollination happens, the pollen which sticks to the stigma grows to be vascular grain. It delivers nucleus of spermatozoid to meet the nucleus of egg cell in the ovary.

The spermatozoid’s nucleus + egg cell’s nucleus dissolved to produce zygote. Zygote develops into embryo; embryo develops into a bud and finally grows into a new plant.

Other spermatozoid cell’s nucleus meets with secondary cotyledon nucleus and produce endosperm.


Monocotyledons have single cotyledon in the seed.

The characteristics:
• The seed has one cotyledon. When it bud, it doesn’t split
• Have fibrous root system. The fibrous root system has many slim roots of the same dimension which spread to every direction and become secondary roots.
• Have single leaf with leaf-stealth. Its veins are parallel or curved.
• The number of flower parts is three or its multiple.
• Have no branches.
• Stem and root have no cambium, so they cannot grow bigger.
• The location of vascular sheaf enlarges.


THE CLASSIFICATION of dicotyledon:

(Greek, mono = single; chlamidos = wrap)
This class consists of trees or at least wooden plants. The flower is monoecious and its pollination is helped by the wind (anemogay).

THE GROUPS which include into this subclass are:

1. Casuarinales. Ex: Casuaria equsetifolia (cemara laut)
2. Fagales. Ex: Betula nona
3. Proteales. Ex: Bankisa coccinea
4. Urticales. Ex: Artocarpus integra (nangka)
5. Piperales. Ex: Piper nigrum (lada)
6. Caryophyllales. Ex: Mirabilis jalapa (bunga pukul empat)

The plants which include into dialypetalae are the plants whose colorful flower, and we can identify the petal and sepal.

THE GROUPS of subclass dialypetalae:

1. Renales (polycarpicae). Ex: Annona muricata (sirsak), Cananga odoratumkata (cananga)
2. Rosales. Ex: Parkia speciosa (petai)
3. Brassicales (Rhoeadales). Ex: Cleome hassleriana (bunga laba-laba)


THE GROUPS of sympetalae:

1. Solanalels. Ex: Solanium tuberosum (kentang)
2. Rubiales. Ex: Ixora grandiflora (soka) and Mussaenda frondosa (nusa indah)
3. Apocynales (contortae). Ex: Allamanda cathartica (alamanda)


SPERMATOPHYTA is the largest group of plants whose seed.
SPERMATOPHYTA based on the number of cotyledon can be divided into two groups, those are Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons.

The benefits of SPERMATHOPTA

• Teak or ebony trees are highly needed by people because their wood is superior to be used as material for buildings, furniture, ships, bridges, etc.
• The seed of Ginkgo biloba has a function to sharpen memory.
• Grain, rice, and corn are the main plants whose carbohydrate that very important for human.
• Tomato, broccoli, and carrot are the source of protein, fiber, and vitamins.
• Many plants can reproduce oxygen, and so on

In technology and scientic, spermatophyte has many roles, such as:

• The totipotential characteristic is used in tissue culture technique, so plants can be produced in a short time and a large quantity.

• Water hyacinth will become weed of eutrophication happens, but its stem which is dried, tanned, and plaited can be used to make bags, carpets, furniture, and curtains. This causes the environment to be free from weed, besides opening new employment.

• The plant cels contain cytoplasm which has electrolytic property, so by extracting fruit skin and slice of vegetable remains, then connecting that extract with electrode to the tools which use low energy, alternative source of low energy and be made.



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